6 ways to increase your social media engagement

  • obm
  • October 3, 2017
  • 6 min read

Did you know there are over 1.82 billion social network users worldwide… and that number is expecting to increase to 2.33 in 2017. But, being active on social media is an essential part of your marketing plan. But you need to make sure you reach your audience more effectively than your competitors. It is a […]

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12 Benefits of Social Media Marketing

  • obm
  • July 11, 2017
  • 7 min read

Some people don’t realise how powerful social media marketing can be, but it’s a source where businesses can increase their recognition, traffic and sales with little cost. Marketers have claimed that social media generated immense exposure for their business, there are other benefits of social media marketing as well. Here are 12 benefits of social […]

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The History of Social Media

  • obm
  • June 30, 2017
  • 5 min read

In honour of Social Media Day today, this blog will tell all about the history of social media and how it has evolved into what it has become today. Social media is a term that everyone now knows, even in the remote areas of the world. For example, Facebook and Twitter is known worldwide and being […]

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Sometimes keeping up with the latest social media changes can be hard, and at times we all need a little help to keep up with the changes to keep our social media marketing strategy up to date and fresh. Are you in need of some social media marketing help? Well look no further, here are […]

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14 Design Tips for Social Media Posting

  • obm
  • March 2, 2017
  • 6 min read

Social Media posting is important in any business, you want to make yourself present to your audience, however your design is also very important when it comes to Social Media posting. Your design shows you off as a business so you need to consider what you want your business to look like. Below are 14 […]

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Social media has become a vital part of the marketing and promotion for businesses across the world. Businesses can connect with audiences and find new interest in their company. Facebook is one of the key forms of social media that you should be using to promote your company online. If your business Facebook profile is […]

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4 Sure Fire Advantages Of Advertising On Facebook

  • obm
  • February 17, 2016
  • 3 min read

The continuous reduction of the organic scope (reach) of Facebook pages has left many companies wondering if it is worth investing in this well renowned social network that is home to a billion users around the world. Facebook Ads allows just about anyone to promote anything. And all this by paying only for received clicks […]

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Ever wondered what the inside of Facebook headquarters at Menlo Park, California looks like, Facebook have given full access via their YouTube channel (Click Here). Mark Zuckerberg is one of most successful men in the world employing over nine thousand people, the layout of Facebook headquarters are quite unconventional with a open floor plan and glass meeting […]

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