When starting a new electrical company, it’s important to come up with a name that will stand out and be remembered. It can be difficult to come up with the perfect name, but it’s definitely worth the effort. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wAUO5kFFPIg In this blog post, we will discuss some tips for brainstorming the best electrical company names. […]

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How to grow a roofing business

  • obm
  • September 21, 2022
  • 11 min read

Are you a roofing contractor looking to grow your business? Have you just finished a big job and are now looking through the diary wondering where the next job is coming from?  If so, you can do a few things to help your business thrive in any market condition. 15. Register for an NFRC membership […]

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Website cost UK, how much does a website cost?

  • obm
  • September 19, 2022
  • 10 min read

How much does a website cost? This is a question that many businesses have when they are first starting out. There are a lot of factors that go into the cost of a website, and it can be difficult to determine how much you should budget for your own site. Depending on the size and […]

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If you do a search on Google for your service in your local area and your business is not showing in the map pack, then your business is losing high quality leads every month. If you’re a business owner, then ranking number one in Google Maps is crucial. After all, most people who are looking […]

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“What’s in a name?”, the inimitable Bard once mused. Shakespeare’s famous line asked “Is the essence of something defined by that which we call it, or is it the intrinsic qualities of that thing that make it what it is? Chances are, ol’ Bill wasn’t contemplating how to name a new construction business when he […]

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