Best computer for graphic design

  • obm
  • October 2, 2019
  • 21 min read

Click here Click here As a graphic designer, you need a reliable computer that’s powerful enough to run your design tools. It needs to offer a quality display and enough speed for smooth operation of the software that you choose to use. You might be looking for a desktop computer if you need something with […]

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10 Ways To Make Your Business Flyer Stand Out.

  • obm
  • December 9, 2016
  • 5 min read

Flyers are an inexpensive and highly effective way of grabbing clients and potential clients attention. Research shows that as many as 79% of recipient will either keep, pass onto a friend or glance over the contents of a flyer. But the question is how do you design a stand out business flyer? Below are 10 […]

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