Effective brands consist of a set of identity attributes. These attributes include your distinct selling points and your core brand values. With digital marketing growing a consistent brand message is becoming easier to implement. But some businesses are still finding it difficult to effectively tell their brands story in a visual way through social media. […]

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12 Tips for Redesigning Your Website

  • obm
  • July 21, 2017
  • 8 min read

When your website needs a redesign it can be difficult to remember and know what’s needed to create a great new website redesign for your business. There are a lot of things to consider when redesigning, you should always hire a professional in the web and graphic design industry to help you along the way, […]

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12 Typography Tips You Need to Know

  • obm
  • July 19, 2017
  • 7 min read

Typography is a key feature of graphic and web design, so it’s important you know all the tips for typography to create great design. Typography also plays a role in communication for design, so it’s essential to have your typography in check to create effortless reading. Poor typography turns visitors off from looking at your […]

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9 Features of a Well-Built Web Design

  • obm
  • June 8, 2017
  • 5 min read

You’re probably wondering… How do I know if I have a well-built web design? Well it takes a combination of many factors to complete a website. These factors will differ according to the specific needs of the business in question, so it can sometimes be hard to truly say whether one person has a better […]

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A Day in the Life of Our Copywriters

  • obm
  • May 19, 2017
  • 6 min read

You are probably thinking that copywriting must be a boring job to do, but it really isn’t. I am constantly learning new things and writing fresh and new content daily. My day to day job is the same, however the content I’m learning and writing about is always different. And this is what makes the […]

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As you can imagine in the last 25 years SEO has grown and changed dramatically to get to the finely tuned algorithms it has now. But as the first signs of SEO emerged for people, alongside the dawn of the internet, few people would have anticipated the impact that it has on daily life such […]

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There is some debate as to whether blogging is still important and relevant in the marketing strategy for businesses. But regardless if your a small or multinational company, blogging is still fundamental to your online content marketing strategy. Here are 10 reasons why blogging is still important for your business today. Setting It Up Is […]

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How to Write a Great Blog For Your Business

  • obm
  • January 17, 2016
  • 3 min read

Adding a blog to your business website is a great way to connect to your customers. It not only builds trust factor, but also strengthens your brand. If you are a business owner and have a website then it is extremely crucial for you to add a blog to your website so that you can […]

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Why Is It Important To Blog On Your Website

  • obm
  • January 10, 2016
  • 3 min read

A good business thrives on attracting more and more business every day. But with technology getting advanced day by day it has become imperative to share more and more information. With the rapid growth of the internet, competition to attract visitors has become more fierce. A content rich blog hosted on your website yields multiple […]

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