There are many different eCommerce platforms that as a business you can use to create an online store. However in the UK there are five most popular platforms that are used, this is according to their market share. The top five are WooCommerce, Magento, Shopify, Virtuemart and OpenCart. So do you need some help deciding […]

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The Evolution of Photography

  • obm
  • March 16, 2017
  • 5 min read

Over the years photography has come a long way and has changed and evolved dramatically, even though it has a relatively short history. In almost 200 years, the camera has developed from a plain box that use to take blurry photos to the high tech DSLR’s and smartphones we use today. Its evolution is fascinating, […]

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So you are probably asking yourself what is Responsive Web Design? Well, it’s a method of designing and coding a website that provides a prime viewing experience across a wide range of devices, from mobile phones to desktop computers. They are designed to increase the ease of reading and navigating without having to scroll, resize […]

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10 Web Design Trends for 2019

  • obm
  • March 13, 2017
  • 6 min read

Web Design will always be changing and evolving, this is due to trends changing. As the trends of web design change the overall look of a web design for a website will change too. Why? Because as a business you want to look professional, sleek and modern, keeping up with the trends as they grow […]

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Your website is an important part of your business, so we want to get it right first time for you, so its essential for us to know exactly what you want. It’s important for us to know what you see the website being, from the look to the content, that way we can make a […]

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WooCommerce has become the most popular eCommerce platform around and the main reasons being it is the most user and SEO friendly platform. It allows users to create a site that they are in control of and will rank well in Google. So why is WooCommerce the most user and SEO friendly eCommerce platform? Here […]

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Firstly URL stands for Uniform Resource Locator, it is a subset of the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) that specifies where an identified resource is available and the mechanism for retrieving it. A URL is human readable text that was introduced designed to replace the numbers (IP addresses) that a computer uses to communicate with servers. […]

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It is important for small and medium sized businesses to consider what eCommerce platform to use when creating their own online site, this is because as a business owner you want to get the best out of your site and different platforms provide you with more than others might. There are a variety of things […]

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Some Email Marketing Tips

  • obm
  • March 3, 2017
  • 7 min read

Email marketing is an important marketing tool that businesses should consider when creating a marketing strategy. It is used among many different people for both personal and business use, therefore making it an effective way to communicate and grab your recipient’s attention. When creating an email for your marketing strategy you must consider a variety […]

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15 Tips for Choosing the Right Domain Name

  • obm
  • March 3, 2017
  • 5 min read

Choosing a domain name is one of the first steps in creating a website online, therefore it is important that you get it right, otherwise it could cause problems for your business. Are you having trouble selecting a domain name for your business? Well here are 15 tips to help you create and register the […]

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