14 Steps to Optimise Your Website’s Homepage

  • May 3, 2024
  • obm
  • 9 min read
14 Steps to Optimise Your Website’s Homepage

Your website’s home page is the cornerstone of your online presence, especially when it comes to local SEO. Yet, many businesses overlook its potential, focusing instead on service pages and blog content. However, optimising your home page correctly can significantly impact your website traffic and conversion rates. In this guide, we’ll explore the key elements to create a home page that not only attracts traffic but also converts visitors into customers.

Importance of Homepage Optimisation for Local SEO

Your home page serves as the primary entry point for visitors and search engines alike. It plays a crucial role in ranking for your main keyword, typically representing your core service and location. For instance, if you’re a roofer in London offering various services like flat roofing, slate roofing, and roof surveys, your home page should aim to rank for terms like “Roofer in London.”

Check the video guide below –

1. Hero Section

The top section of your Home page is the Hero section. Think of your hero section as the friendly face of your website. It’s the first thing visitors see, so make it welcoming, visually appealing, and a true reflection of your brand. A great hero section can grab attention, set the tone, and invite visitors to explore more.

Your Hero section must have these two components –

  • Compelling Headline: Clearly communicate your unique value proposition or offer in a concise yet enticing headline. For instance, “Transforming London Roofs with Expert Craftsmanship.”
  • Engaging Visuals: Use high-resolution images, videos, or animations that not only showcase your offerings but also evoke emotions or highlight key benefits. For example, a video showing your work process and clips of completed projects.

2. Unique Selling Proposition (USP)


Your USP is your superpower, it’s what makes you stand out in a crowd. By highlighting your unique benefits or offers upfront, you create curiosity, urgency, and a reason for visitors to stick around and learn more about what makes you special.

You need to have something that makes your company special from your competitors, and USP does that. A USP must have these two elements –

  • Creating Urgency: Offer limited-time promotions, exclusive deals, or seasonal discounts. For instance, “Book your roof inspection today and receive a free gutter cleaning worth £100!”
  • Highlighting Benefits: Clearly outline the advantages of choosing your services, such as fast turnaround times, quality materials, or extended warranties.

3. Contact Information

contact information

Make it effortless for visitors to reach out to you. No one likes a game of hide-and-seek with contact info. It’s all about being easily accessible, your visitors don’t have the time to hunt for your contact information.

  • Visible Placement: Ensure your phone number, email, and address are prominently displayed in the header, footer, and possibly a sticky header for easy access during scrolling.
  • Clickable Links: Hyperlink your contact information to relevant contact forms, maps for directions, or email addresses for seamless communication.

4. FAQ Section

Address common queries upfront to build trust and reduce bounce rates, Ideally you want the FAQ section on the Home page or if you do have a different page for it then Ink it in the Navigation bar so it is easily accessible.

By answering common questions upfront, you save time, build trust, and show that you understand your customers’ needs. It’s all about making things easy and clear for them. Your FAQ’s should include:

  • Comprehensive Answers: Anticipate customer questions about pricing, services, timelines, and warranties. Provide detailed yet concise answers to ease their concerns.
  • Structured Format: Organize FAQs into categories or use accordions to keep the page visually clean while allowing users to expand details as needed.

5. Social Media Integration

Integrating social media increases brand visibility, engagement, and trust. It allows visitors to connect with your brand across platforms, explore additional content, and have a look at your work, customer reviews and testimonials.

Being on social media signals to your potential customers that you’re an active business and it helps in building trust in your business. You can integrate social media on your home page by :

  • Strategic Placement: Include social media icons in the header, footer, or sidebar for easy access. Utilize social proof by showcasing follower counts or customer testimonials from social channels.
  • Consistent Branding: Ensure your social media profiles align with your website’s branding and messaging. Regularly update content and engage with followers to maintain an active online presence.

6. Keyword Optimisation

Strategic keyword placement signals search engines about your page’s relevance to specific queries. Including main keywords in key elements like H1 tags, titles, and subheaders improves search visibility and helps attract targeted organic traffic, especially for local searches.

Maximise your visibility for relevant search queries through strategic keyword placement:

  • H1 Tag: Incorporate your main keyword naturally in the H1 tag at the top of your page. For example, “Expert Roofer in London – Your Trusted Roofing Solution.”
  • Title Tag: Craft a compelling title tag that includes your main keyword and entices clicks in search results. Use variations or long-tail keywords for specific services.

7. Video Content

Videos add that personal touch and bring your brand to life. Videos increase user engagement, can easily convey complex information, and showcase your brand personality. 

Including videos on your home page, reduce bounce rates, and boost conversion rates significantly. Plus, people love watching videos it’s engaging and memorable. Also Google’s algorithm loves video, so it helps in ranking your home page. These are the two types of videos you can have on your Homepage:

  • Demonstration Videos: Create videos that demonstrate your services in action, such as roof inspections, repairs, or customer testimonials.
  • Explainer Videos: Educate viewers about your processes, materials used, and safety measures. Use animations or graphics to simplify complex concepts.

8. Service Showcase

Highlighting your services upfront helps your visitors quickly see what you offer, explore further if they’re interested, navigate your site with ease, and boost internal linking for SEO. 

Clear categorization and linking to service pages provide detailed information, encourage exploration, and improve overall website structure and search visibility.

  • Clear Categories: Organize services into clear categories with brief descriptions. For example, “Roofing Services” with subcategories like “Flat Roofing,” “Slate Roofing,” and “Roof Surveys.”
  • Internal Linking: Link each service to its dedicated page for detailed information. Use descriptive anchor text for SEO benefits.

9. Project Portfolio

Your past projects are like success stories that speak for themselves. Sharing them builds trust, credibility, and confidence in your abilities. Visual proof of successful projects or happy customers reinforces your brand reputation, influences purchase decisions positively, and can serve as valuable social proof to new visitors. Include these two elements in your portfolio

  • High-Quality Images: Display before-and-after photos, project videos, or 3D renderings to showcase the quality of your workmanship.
  • Client Testimonials: Pair project images with client testimonials or reviews for added authenticity. Include details such as project scope, timelines, and customer satisfaction levels.

10. Competitive Advantage

Clearly communicating your competitive advantages differentiates your brand, influences purchase decisions, and justifies premium pricing.

Highlighting unique features, awards, or customer benefits builds trust, addresses objections, and positions your brand as a preferred choice in a competitive market. Highlight why customers should choose your business over competitors by Including:

  • Unique Value Proposition: Clearly show what sets your services apart, such as industry awards, eco-friendly practices, or exclusive partnerships.
  • Visual Comparisons: Use infographics or side-by-side comparisons to showcase your strengths in areas like pricing, expertise, warranties, or customer support.

11. Testimonials and Reviews

Authentic testimonials and reviews provide social proof, build credibility, and address customer doubts or objections. Positive feedback from previous customers influences trust, encourages conversions, and contributes to a positive brand image, especially in local markets where word-of-mouth referrals are crucial.

They reassure new visitors, build trust, and show that others have had a positive experience with you. Leverage social proof to build trust and credibility by having:

  • Diverse Testimonials: Feature testimonials from different projects, services, or customer demographics. Include photos or videos for added authenticity.
  • Review Platforms Integration: Embed review widgets from Google, Trustpilot, Yelp, or industry-specific review sites directly on your home page for real-time updates.

12. Strong Call to Action (CTA)

A compelling CTA guides visitors towards desired actions, whether it’s getting in touch, signing up, or making a purchase.

Clear CTAs reduce friction in the conversion funnel, improve user experience, and increase the likelihood of desired user interactions, ultimately driving business growth.

Guide visitors towards desired actions with clear and compelling CTAs by:

  • Action-Oriented Copy: Use persuasive language that prompts immediate action, such as “Request a Free Quote,” “Schedule Inspection,” or “Call Now for Expert Advice.”
  • Strategic Placement: Position CTAs prominently throughout the page, especially after showcasing services or testimonials. Use contrasting colors and compelling visuals for CTA buttons.

13. Accreditations and Certifications

Displaying industry affiliations, certifications, or awards establishes credibility, trust, and professionalism. It reassures visitors about your expertise and commitment to quality, essential factors in decision-making, especially for service-oriented businesses. 

It’s like saying, “We’ve got the skills, experience, and recognition to back it up.” Build trust and credibility by showcasing industry affiliations and qualifications by showcasing:

  • Logos and Badges: Display logos of industry associations, certifications, or awards received. Link these to relevant accreditation pages for verification.
  • Compliance Information: Provide details about regulatory compliance, insurance coverage, and professional affiliations to reassure customers.

14. Footer Details

The footer is like the friendly goodbye at the end of a conversation. It wraps things up neatly, provides essential information, and keeps the connection alive with links to policies, social media, and contact details.

It’s all about being thorough, transparent, and leaving a positive last impression.

So, Complete the user experience with essential information and navigation options by including:

  • Comprehensive Links: Include links to privacy policies, terms of service, FAQs, and sitemap for transparency and legal compliance.
  • Contact Information: Reiterate contact details in the footer along with social media links and newsletter signup options.


By focusing on these key elements with a friendly and human approach, you’re not just optimising for search engines; you’re optimising for real people who visit your site with hopes, questions, and needs.

Your home page is like the front door to your website, it should be inviting, informative, and ready to welcome potential customers!) with open arms.

By implementing these detailed strategies, you can transform your home page into a powerful lead generation magnet. Always remember to Continuously monitor performance metrics and user feedback to fine-tune your approach and stay ahead in your competitive market.


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