So you are probably asking yourself what is Responsive Web Design? Well, it’s a method of designing and coding a website that provides a prime viewing experience across a wide range of devices, from mobile phones to desktop computers. They are designed to increase the ease of reading and navigating without having to scroll, resize […]

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10 Web Design Trends for 2019

  • obm
  • March 13, 2017
  • 6 min read

Web Design will always be changing and evolving, this is due to trends changing. As the trends of web design change the overall look of a web design for a website will change too. Why? Because as a business you want to look professional, sleek and modern, keeping up with the trends as they grow […]

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10 Reasons Your Website Should Be Mobile Responsive

  • obm
  • January 27, 2016
  • 3 min read

Having a responsive website is one of the latest trends in the web design world and it comes with a wide range of amazing benefits. With that in mind, we have created a list that includes 10 reasons why your site should be responsive, so read onward to find out more! Usability Once you create […]

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