If your business has a website, you are already off to a good start. Today, more than half of visits to brick and mortar places of business begin with customers looking up the business online, even if it is just to find out the address, phone number, or hours of operation. You have probably put a lot of effort into choosing an attractive website that represents your company well, and you might have even put a lot of thought into which keywords you wanted to appear in the content you wrote for your site. Of course, the days are long gone when people obtained new information just by reading websites. These days, the thing that has captured people’s interest and, as some curmudgeons would add, catered to their short attention spans, is social media. Whether their goal is to work, socialize, or shop, your potential customers are constantly clicking on social media.
Social media can be a boon to business owners, whether you are a local flower shop, a virtual assistant firm that does business exclusively online, or anything in between. You can use social media sites and apps like Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Tumblr, and Twitter to reach thousands of customers and potential customers. You can send them messages that take viewers only a fraction of a second to see and internalize. Not only that, but the reason that social media is so popular is that it is interactive. You can use your online presence on social media to get instant feedback from clients. It is as much of a thrill for business owners to see social media users “liking” their new products as it is for newlyweds to see people “liking” their wedding photos.
Targeted advertising using social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Tumblr, and Twitter is truly the wave of the future. It takes a considerable amount of expertise to pull off a successful social media campaign, but we at One Base Media are experts in targeted marketing. We know just how to use social media marketing to send the right promotional messages to the right social media users. Targeting potential customers who are the most likely to respond makes your advertising efforts more profitable. At One Base Media, we have done the background research to help your business have a successful targeted marketing campaign using social media.