CRMs for landscaping businesses

  • August 4, 2023
  • obm
  • 13 min read
CRMs for landscaping businesses

In the landscaping sector, your client base is your lifeline. Without them, your business simply wouldn’t exist.

Therefore, customer management should be a top priority. Using a reliable Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system enables you to manage your customer relationships with ease. With the right CRM, you can track your customers’ data, organise sales and marketing activities, keep tabs on interactions with them and so much more.

The good news is that there are increasingly more options for landscapers, offering a range of features to simplify every aspect of your business operations.

Every landscaping business is unique, which means their CRM requirements will also vary. Some may need a system with strong capabilities in scheduling and job management, while others might be in search of superior lead generation and management.
Despite the diverse offerings of today’s CRMs, they share a common goal: enhancing efficiencies and assisting with all facets of customer management. There are even comprehensive solutions that bundle a CRM with other tech tools to optimise your landscaping operations. But with a plethora of options, how do you decide which one is right for you?
Don’t worry, we’ve done the legwork for you. Below, you’ll discover the top 12 CRMs designed for landscaping and gardening businesses. This includes industry-specific platforms and more generalised ones suitable for various sectors.

We’ll explore both free and paid solutions, discussing the features of each to help you pinpoint the ideal solution for your business needs.

How a CRM will benefit your landscaping or gardening business

A CRM system simplifies the organisation and management of your customer interactions and workflows, ultimately improving customer satisfaction, increasing productivity, and boosting revenue. Your landscaping or gardening business can benefit from enhanced lead tracking and nurturing, streamlined project management, and efficient team communication. With that in mind, let’s explore 12 exceptional CRM systems to enhance your landscaping or gardening business:
zoho crm

Zoho CRM is a robust and versatile solution that caters to various types of businesses, providing a comprehensive set of tools and features. Its exceptional customizability and affordability make it an ideal choice for landscaping and gardening businesses of all sizes.

With Zoho CRM, you can effortlessly manage your contacts, automate sales processes, and generate insightful reports, allowing you to dedicate more time and attention to nurturing customer relationships and fostering the growth of your business.

Best features

  • Scalability: Zoho CRM is built to grow with your business, accommodating an increasing client base and more complex operations over time.
  • Integration capabilities: Zoho CRM can seamlessly integrate with other business tools, including email services and marketing platforms, ensuring a unified approach to customer management.
  • Advanced analytics: With Zoho CRM, you can utilise its powerful analytics for sales forecasting and tracking performance metrics, providing insight for strategic decision-making.

Hub CRM is a highly robust and comprehensive solution that simplifies contact and lead management for businesses.

With its wide range of integrations, including marketing automation and sales tools, HubSpot CRM is the perfect choice for small to medium-sized landscaping or gardening businesses looking to streamline their operations.

In addition to its powerful features, HubSpot’s analytics dashboard provides valuable insights into customer behaviour and preferences, allowing businesses to make data-driven decisions and optimise their strategies for maximum success.

With HubSpot CRM, businesses can not only manage their contacts and leads effectively but also gain a deeper understanding of their customers to deliver personalised experiences and drive growth.

Best features

Ease of use: HubSpot CRM has a user-friendly interface, making it easy for your team to navigate and utilise its features effectively.

Email tracking: The CRM offers real-time notifications when a customer opens your email, helping to prioritise follow-ups and keep track of customer engagement.

Social media integration: HubSpot CRM can integrate with your social media platforms, allowing you to manage and track customer interactions across multiple channels.


Salesforce, the industry-leading CRM, is designed to meet the needs of businesses of all sizes. With its intuitive interface and extensive functionality, it simplifies and automates tasks and processes, allowing you to efficiently manage your landscaping or gardening projects.

By harnessing the power of Salesforce’s Einstein AI, you can utilise advanced analytics and lead scoring capabilities to make data-driven decisions, unlocking even greater insights and opportunities for success.

Best features

Cloud-based solution: Salesforce operates on a cloud platform, enabling you to access your business data anytime, anywhere, enhancing flexibility and business continuity.

Personalised customer journeys: With Salesforce, you can create personalised customer journeys based on previous interactions and preferences, leading to improved customer satisfaction.

Collaboration tools: Salesforce offers Chatter, an enterprise social network that allows team communication and collaboration, ensuring everyone stays informed and aligned.


Insightly offers an exceptional integrated project management and customer relationship management (CRM) system.

With a wide range of essential features, including robust contact management, meticulous lead tracking, and efficient project management capabilities, Insightly provides a comprehensive platform for effectively managing customer relationships and organising jobs.

By leveraging the power of Insightly, landscaping and gardening businesses can streamline their operations, enhance productivity, and deliver exceptional customer experiences.

Best features

Workflow automation: Insightly offers automation features to streamline your routine tasks, allowing your team to focus on customer interaction and business growth.

Custom reports and dashboards: With Insightly, you can customise your reports and dashboards to gain insights tailored to your business needs, enabling informed decision making.

Mobile app: Insightly provides a user-friendly mobile app that allows you to manage your customer relationships and projects on the go, ensuring business continuity and flexibility.


Pipedrive is a comprehensive sales-focused CRM specifically designed to cater to the unique needs of businesses requiring enhanced lead management and optimised sales processes.

With its user-friendly and intuitive interface, Pipedrive ensures effortless adoption by your entire team, empowering your landscaping or gardening business to effectively nurture leads and efficiently close deals.

By taking advantage of Pipedrive’s advanced features and functionalities, you can streamline your sales operations, gain valuable insights, and drive unprecedented growth and success in your industry.

Best features

Deal management: Pipedrive offers exceptional deal management features that help you track, organise, and complete your deals efficiently, ensuring no opportunity slips through the cracks.

Customisable pipelines: With Pipedrive, you can customise your sales pipeline to fit your specific process, providing a visual overview of your sales process and simplifying deal tracking.

Activity reminders: Pipedrive sends proactive reminders about scheduled calls, meetings, or follow-ups, ensuring you never miss an important interaction with your clients.


Microsoft Dynamics 365 offers a comprehensive CRM solution with seamless integration with other Microsoft products. It enhances communication and collaboration across your organisation, enabling teams to work together efficiently.

With its extensive range of features, including robust contact management capabilities, you can effectively nurture leads, track customer interactions, and manage projects easily.

Whether you’re a small startup looking to streamline your operations or a rapidly growing business seeking scalability, Microsoft Dynamics 365 provides the tools and flexibility you need to thrive in the industry.

Best features

Complete integration with Microsoft products: Microsoft Dynamics 365 flawlessly integrates with other Microsoft services like Office 365 and Outlook, streamlining your business processes and enhancing team collaboration.

AI-driven insights: Microsoft Dynamics 365 leverages artificial intelligence to provide predictive insights, enabling you to make informed decisions and take proactive actions for business growth.

Role-based access controls: With Microsoft Dynamics 365, you can set permissions based on roles, ensuring data security and preserving the integrity of sensitive information.


Capsule is not just an intuitive CRM solution; it is a game-changer for small businesses. With its user-friendly interface and powerful features, Capsule is specifically crafted to meet the unique needs of small businesses. From efficient contact management to task tracking and effective sales pipeline management, Capsule offers a comprehensive range of tools to streamline your business operations.

But what sets Capsule apart is its effortless integration capabilities with popular apps like Xero and Mailchimp.

This means that you can easily sync your customer data, manage your finances, and automate your marketing campaigns, all from one centralised platform. For landscaping and gardening businesses that prioritise simplicity and functionality in their CRM, Capsule emerges as the perfect choice.

With Capsule, you can focus on growing your business and building strong relationships with your customers.

Best features

Integration with popular apps: Capsule smoothly integrates with a myriad of commonly used applications such as G Suite, enhancing workflow and efficiency.

User-friendly interface: A straightforward and clean user interface ensures Capsule CRM is uncomplicated to use, allowing team members to quickly get up to speed.

Advanced search capabilities: Capsule’s robust search functionality enables you to locate and sort your contacts swiftly, boosting productivity and customer engagement.


Fresh is an affordable CRM solution specifically aimed at small and medium-sized businesses in the landscaping or gardening industry. With a wide array of features and functionalities, Freshsales empowers businesses to effectively manage client communications and streamline sales processes.

Freshsales offers lead scoring and tracking capabilities, allowing you to prioritise and focus on the most promising leads. By effectively tracking and analysing lead behaviour, you can identify potential customers who are most likely to convert, enabling you to allocate your resources more efficiently and close deals faster.

Best features

Event tracking: Freshsales allows you to track user behaviour on your website or product, thereby understanding customer preferences and improving their experience.

Auto lead assignment: The CRM efficiently assigns leads to salespeople based on specific criteria such as location, deal size, or product, ensuring balanced workload and improved productivity.

Inbuilt phone system: Freshsales comes with an inbuilt phone system that provides calling, recording, and voicemail capabilities directly from the dashboard, enabling efficient communication management.


Keap is not just a robust CRM and marketing automation platform, it is specifically designed to meet the needs of small businesses. With its sophisticated tools and features, Keap empowers you to efficiently manage and track customer data throughout the entire sales cycle, from initial contact to closing a sale.

Keap’s features allow you to effortlessly automate various processes within your landscaping or gardening business, such as tracking leads, managing customer interactions, and even creating invoices.

By streamlining these tasks, Keap helps you save precious time and resources, allowing you to focus on what truly matters – growing your business and providing exceptional service to your clients.

Best features

E-commerce capabilities: Keap boasts strong e-commerce tools that can manage online sales, complete with payment processing and fulfilment tracking, facilitating a hassle-free shopping experience for customers.

Advanced segmentation: Keap allows for sophisticated client segmentation, enabling targeted marketing initiatives and personalised customer outreach.

Integrated appointment scheduling: With Keap, customers can book and confirm appointments directly through the platform, streamlining the process and reducing administrative tasks.


Nutshell is an affordable and user-friendly CRM solution meticulously designed for small businesses that require enhanced lead management capabilities. With its simplified contact management, task automation, and lead tracking tools, Nutshell proves to be the ideal choice for landscaping and gardening businesses, empowering them to streamline their operations, boost efficiency, and effortlessly nurture client relationships.

Whether it’s managing customer details, automating routine tasks, or tracking leads, Nutshell provides the comprehensive functionality needed to thrive in the competitive business landscape.

Best features

Comprehensive reporting: Nutshell offers detailed analytics and reporting tools, helping you gain insights into sales trends and customer behaviour, thereby driving informed business decisions.

Mobile app: Nutshell provides a fully-featured mobile app, ensuring you can manage your customer relationships and projects anytime, anywhere.

Email integration: The CRM integrates smoothly with popular email platforms, allowing for streamlined communication and better tracking of customer interactions.


Jobber is a comprehensive CRM (Customer Relationship Management) solution meticulously crafted to cater to the unique needs of service-based businesses, specialising in areas such as landscaping and gardening companies.

With its innovative features and robust job management capabilities, Jobber empowers businesses to effortlessly create detailed bids, efficiently track expenses, seamlessly collect payments, and so much more.

Whether you’re a small-scale enterprise or a thriving company, Jobber is here to streamline your operations and boost your overall productivity to new heights.

Best features

Client scheduling: Jobber’s client scheduling feature enables you to easily book appointments and manage your customer database with accuracy and ease.

Automated reminders: Jobber offers automated reminders for appointments, payments, or follow-ups that can be sent via text message or email to ensure your clients stay up to date.

Mobile app: Its mobile app allows you to access job details on the go, making it easy to keep track of projects even when you are away from the


Arborgold is a highly specialised CRM (Customer Relationship Management) software specifically designed to cater to the unique needs of the landscaping and gardening industry. With its comprehensive array of features, this platform goes above and beyond to empower businesses in this sector.

From simple customer database management to convenient online scheduling, and even automated quote generation, Arborgold ensures that every aspect of your landscaping or gardening business runs smoothly and efficiently. With Arborgold by your side, you can streamline your operations, enhance customer satisfaction, and take your business to new heights of success.

Best features

Automated tasks: Arborgold allows you to automatically create tasks based on customer requirements and preferences, simplifying the process and saving time.

Client portal: It provides a secure client portal where customers can securely view their job details, make payments, and schedule appointments with ease.

Sales analytics: Comprehensive analytics give you an inside look into your sales data to help you measure key performance metrics and adjust operations accordingly.


In conclusion, the CRM platforms presented above offer a robust assortment of features tailored to meet the requirements of landscaping and gardening companies. From inbuilt phone systems and e-commerce capabilities to advanced segmentation, automated tasks, and client scheduling, these tools are designed to streamline operations, improve efficiency, and enhance customer relationships.

They offer invaluable assistance in managing customer data, tracking sales, and automating routine tasks, thereby allowing businesses to focus on growth and customer service. Choosing the right CRM platform could be the game-changer your business needs to thrive in a competitive market.

Thank you for reading. We hope this blog has provided you with valuable insights to help you select the best CRM platform for your landscaping or gardening business. Continue to follow our blog for more tips, information, and expert advice on growing your landscaping business!


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