A Day in the Life of Our Copywriters

  • May 19, 2017
  • obm
  • 6 min read
A Day in the Life of Our Copywriters
You are probably thinking that copywriting must be a boring job to do, but it really isn’t. I am constantly learning new things and writing fresh and new content daily. My day to day job is the same, however the content I’m learning and writing about is always different. And this is what makes the job so interesting. I will go from writing about plumbing to the latest events in London, to the advantages and disadvantages of window shutters. Now some people may see that as boring and mundane, but I learn so much just from one blog post, which in the future could potentially be helpful to me. I am learning skills that may help me when I am moving into my own home and choosing shutters for the windows, or trying to work out what to do when I have a leaky tap.


I can’t start anything before the planning stage! I need to set out a time scale, so that I know when my deadlines are, before I need to move onto the next piece of content. I don’t want to fall behind; I want to keep up to date and on top of everything. I also want to set out a way in which I am able to measure my progress, this ensures I am progressing at a nice pace and getting things done with quality in mind as well as time. I will also think about buyer persona in the planning stage before I begin getting any inspiration, keywords or completing topic research. The reason for this is so that I know what type of people want the services I am writing content for. As I can then tailor that content around those types of people, this will make it easier for me when starting the content writing.

Getting Inspired

This is the very first thing I do before even thinking about starting content writing or keyword research. Why? Well, because I need inspiration first. On the other hand, it is okay for me to do keyword research, then topic research and lastly writing, but what if the research I carry out isn’t relevant to users? I want to ensure that the topics I have chosen have been searched before and are of interest to users. Therefore, getting inspiration and ideas from other content is key to writing my own good content! Obviously, I can’t copy the content as that’s illegal, but that doesn’t stop me from writing one word bullet points for ideas and key factors of a certain topic to then take away to write in my own style; which is exactly what I do. I also think about topics that in my free time I enjoy reading about to see if any of them could potentially be relevant to the content I need to write about. Here is a list of some of the places I may look for inspiration and ideas:
  • Forums
  • Social Media Pages
  • Blogs
  • Websites

Keyword Research

It then starts with the keyword research. I want my content to rank well in search engines and keywords help me to achieve that. I need to find those keywords that are popular, meaning the ones that are constantly being typed into Google by users. This ensures that my content, whether that be a blog post, a newsletter or information on a page within a website will be getting as many clicks as possible. From the keywords that are gathered, my content then should match those keywords. So for a blog post I would pick a topic that is relevant. Furthermore, while writing that content, I will insert a bundle of those keywords that were collected.

Topic Research

This is the next thing that is done, I must always do a little research on the topic I am writing about, whether I am writing content for a blog or for a client’s site. Research is a day to day routine that must be done and is something that I have become accustomed to. This ensures that what I write is interesting and appealing. This research also helps me to learn about the topic that I am writing about. I may not be an expert in my topics at the beginning, but I do enough research to write enough content, while learning about it along the way. By doing constant research it helps me for future content that I may write. For example if I am updating content on a client’s website, knowing a little about the topic already, helps me to write the content in a way that’s appealing and relevant.

Final Stages

Once the post is written in a readable, eye-pleasing layout and as many keywords have been inserted (without keyword stuffing) it is time to go through the content to proof-read everything, checking it makes sense and has no grammar errors. The blog is then passed on to another member of the team to upload. This person is usually the SEO consultant that I write content for, and they will then upload it to the relevant webpages. I will then move forward onto my next task on my to do list, keeping in mind the same process above.

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