Flyers are an inexpensive and highly effective way of grabbing clients and potential clients attention. Research shows that as many as 79% of recipient will either keep, pass onto a friend or glance over the contents of a flyer. But the question is how do you design a stand out business flyer? Below are 10 ways in which you can make this happen.
1. Have a Catchy Flyer Headline or Title.
Always remember to make your headline or title unusual, memorable and even provocative as it draws prospects in. Carefully choose a few powerful words to put within the headline or title, make sure these powerful words relate to what you are trying to communicate.
Here are some examples of words used in popular titles. Most of the time flyers will have one or more of these within them: Easy, How to, Discover, The Secrets to.
2. Striking and Colourful Graphics.
Striking flyer graphics will create a mood and support your story, but most of all it gains people attention. One very creative and stunning photo or illustration will have more impact than a few smaller photos will dotted over the flyer. The image that you use on your flyer will become the ‘focal point’, therefore be sure the photo is relevant, impresses and has an impact.
Anyone is able to buy stock photos on the internet, which are inexpensive but still of a good quality.
3. Compelling Testimonials and Case Studies.
Nothing is more attractive and engaging than a testimonial from a happy customer, especially if it is evident that the results previous customers have received from your products or services are of a high quality. Including a testimonial or case study will show that what you are offering is trusted and recommended by others who have used your business in the past.
This will compel potential prospects into taking an interest in your products or services, and therefore leading to them possibly taking further action and finding out more about what your business has to offer.
4. Focus on the Benefits of your Products/Services.
Always remember to write from your prospects perspective, as they will always have the question of “what’s in it for me?”. Use ‘you and ‘your’ when writing your flyer and avoid using ‘we’, ‘us’, ‘I’ and ‘our’.
Keep the information short and to the point, long sentences may distract and bore the prospect.
Use bullet points and separate into boxes, this breaks the information up and makes it easier to understand.
When focusing on the benefits of your products or services include powerful words such as; Free, Love, New and Results.
5. Organise with Boxes, Boarders and Areas of Contrasting Colours.
There is no need to fill your leaflet design with wall-to-wall text or graphics, remember to incorporate some white space.
This will help the areas of more importance on the flyer stand out, making it easier to read.
If you were to create a flyer with wall-to-wall text or graphics it will be too much for the prospect to consume, leading to them losing focus and becoming distracted.
6. Don’t Get too Complicated – Less is More.
Keep it simple with two typefaces, choosing two typefaces that go well together is a good idea, you want your flyer to be as aesthetically pleasing as possible. Create your own flyer using these guidelines to design a professional and aesthetically pleasing layout. The Flyerwiz flyer maker allows you to effortlessly implement these design principles, enabling you to create eye-catching, high-quality flyers that effectively communicate your message and leave a lasting impression. With careful attention to typography and layout, you can create a flyer that effectively communicates your message.
The ‘Snap to Guidelines’ function aligns the items easily to the grid. Always be aware of printing margins when creating your flyer.
One suggestion would be to have 12mm margins on all sides of the flyer, or add 3mm for any bleeds on items that print off the edge of the page.
7. Make your Points Easily Identifiable.
Put your titles and subtitles in bold, they will then stand out as a title or sub-title, also putting key information in bold will help prospects distinguish the key points that are within the flyer. When creating your flyer avoid putting any information in ALL CAPS, by putting information in all caps it can become off-putting and harder to read.
You need every person looking over your flyer to find that it flows well, reads well and is overall easily digestible.
8. Quality Finish.
There are different design finishes for flyers that you are able to choose from such as: a glossy finish or a laminated finish and you can also choose a luxury paper you want your flyer to be on.
The final print is an important thing to think about, this is because it helps create a strong first impression, not only that but by choosing high quality finishes it will showcase that you have quality products/services.
A prospects first impression is very important in their journey, they will make a decision on the quality of your products and services just by looking at your flyer, so always keep the quality finish of your flyer in mind.
9. Don’t Forget to Proofread.
Once your design is completed, always have someone proofread over the work you have created.
You sometimes don’t always notice your own mistakes, therefore it’s always best to have someone else check your work, before you decide it’s finished and ready for the next stages.
Check your contact information. Dial your phone numbers, type the URL of your website into a web browser, make sure everything is correct before deciding it’s ready.
10. Offer Discounts or Special Limited-Time Prices.
You could place a coupon on the bottom quarter of your flyer, so long as you clearly state the deadlines/limitations of the offer.
If you choose a mail-in coupon, include the payment specifications – these are the areas for filling out credit card info, a mailing address, etc.
Choosing to place an offer at the bottom of your website will entice potential customers into considering your offer, as everyone loves a good bargain/deal.