Dear all customers,
Essex Digital Media would like to welcome you to the first instalment of our monthly newsletter.
Each month, we will give you an update on the actions that we have taken to improve our services for you. In addition, we will give you some helpful tips that can be beneficial for your website and ensure you get the best return on your investment.
In the last month, we identified the area of technical support as one that we wanted to address. It has been our objective to make the editing of your website even easier, which means that you can keep your website looking fresh and up-to-date. As you may know, we use a support ticket system that gives you the opportunity to send the designers requests for changes on your website, such as adding images and text.
Our ‘Submit A Ticket’ system has been upgraded, which means that you will be given an individual login, where you can view reports and old tickets to see the progress of your updates. You can rate and review us on this system and we encourage you to do so because we are always looking for ways to enhance our services.
Here are four tips to improve your SEO through social media:
1. Do not spam your followers. It is important to keep active your Twitter and Facebook accounts. We advise that you tweet throughout the day or at the very least, three days a week. Although you must find a balance, you want to been seen on social platforms, but you can run the risk of overdoing it. Followers or people who have liked your page will not appreciate a spammed dashboard of your advertisements.
2. Variety is vital! You should try to reach your audiences in a range of ways that will keep them interested. It is beneficial to start using YouTube, Vine and other platforms to post images and videos to keep their attention.,
3. Gain natural followers organically by networking on Twitter and Facebook.
4. Interesting status messages will engage potential customers. You must remember to talk about relevant news or the latest online trends to make sure you maintain the interest and overall popularity of your pages.
Additionally, it is important to make your website as personal and specific to your company as possible. If you have pages such as ‘Meet the Team’, ‘Frequently Asked Questions’ and ‘Terms and Conditions’, it will have a positive effect on your website and should ultimately attract more customers to use your services.
Why not click the ‘Submit A Ticket’ and have some fresh content implemented into your website.