Even the most skilled artist can’t create a masterpiece without the right paints and brushes. Similarly, the best web designer in the world will not be able to create an incredible website without the right tools at his or her disposal. When you start creating and designing your website, you must ensure that you have everything that you need within easy reach. Here are some of the things we suggest you have on your desk or nearby when creating a website.
1. Apple Mac
Perhaps, a little controversially, we do suggest that you have an Apple Mac. Ideally, you want the latest model as well, and there are a couple of reasons for this. Firstly, managing Mac is faster and easier. This means that you will immediately be getting a lot more work done throughout the day. Secondly, Macs have the ability to view multiple tabs at the same time and switch between them. This is a great tool for web designers, as you will be able to see how different pieces of the site fit together, easily. As well as this, there is a brilliant display that a Mac gives you. Your site will never look clearer than when it is being viewed on a Mac Retina display or 4K screen.
2. Headphones
Again, it is worth thinking about creating a website like painting a masterpiece. Painters do not work in teams. Instead, they work in complete isolation, often in perfect silence. That’s why you may want a pair of headphones on your desk, particularly if you’re working in a busy office environment. You need to make sure that you can give yourself some white noise when necessary. As well as this, you may want to listen to the different noise features of the site without disturbing other people. Headphones can also be useful when talking to someone who you are creating the site for.
3. USB Drive
It should come as no surprise that you need a USB drive when creating a site. You can store a backup of all the different materials and items that you need on here. Any content should be stored in separate files so that it is easy to find and use. You may want to use a cloud service as well when storing and accessing content. However, it is always a good idea to still keep a USB with everything you need on it, as a backup.
4. Portable Speaker
A portable speaker will allow you to listen to the video and audio files for your site, no matter where you are. You can use this to show colleagues the audio for your site and demonstrate the functioning site to a client. Portable speakers are easy to set up and take down so that you can use them anywhere. It is useful if you need to present your web design at a business meeting.
5. Notepad
A notepad is always going to be a vital accessory for any design work. You will be able to scribble down ideas and points as and when they come to you. You may want to have a brief hard copy of the layout of the site to refer back to. Having the layout of the site on screen has many advantages, but it can be useful to refer to paper.
6. cable box
If you look at the desks of the best designers, you will notice one key detail. They are clean and clear of mess and rubbish. That is why we suggest you use a cable box or management box to keep your desk clear and tidy. Loose cables can be a nuisance and with a cable box, everything is stored neatly, out of sight and mind.
7. graphic tablet
If you are designing a website from scratch, a graphic tablet is an essential piece of kit that you will need. Using a graphic tablet, you can create stylistic and complex images, just by using your stylus. You will also have one of the best screens to view it on and see if it pops. Remember, a great web design will be visually interesting and attractive. It will immediately capture the attention of users.
8. Mobile Phone & Tablet
You will need a mobile phone and another, more basic tablet. Having a mobile phone and a basic tablet handy will allow you to see how mobile responsive your site is. You should be aware that this has become a primary focus for most site owners. They want to ensure that their customers can view their site on whatever device they are using.
9. Big Coffee Cup
Staring at a screen for hours on end, it is easy to start losing concentration. At that point, you may stop giving your best work for the website that you are producing. That is the last thing that you want, and you must find a way to stay motivated, to stay alert. The answer is a big cup of coffee. Make sure that you get a cup you can refill, and that has a lid. You don’t want to accidentally knock it over, ruining the tech that you have scattered across the desk. A cup that keeps the coffee heated would also be an advantage. It will stop you needing to constantly get up to brew a fresh pot.
10. Water Bottle
As well as that, you should make sure that you have a water bottle. Staying hydrated is key to keeping a high level of focus when completing a design job. Along with this, you may also want to have a few snacks in your desk draw. A few sugary snacks may be exactly what you need to stay motivated and make a deadline for a design job.
11. Awesome Camera
Finally, any web designer will tell you that one of the most important details of a great design is the pictures and graphics that you utilise. That’s why you must make sure that you have a great camera. Make sure that it is easy to transfer the images and videos you record to your Mac. You don’t want to waste time with the transfer. The pictures should be crisp and clear so a high-quality cam is essential.