12 Benefits of Social Media Marketing

  • July 11, 2017
  • obm
  • 7 min read
12 Benefits of Social Media Marketing

Some people don’t realise how powerful social media marketing can be, but it’s a source where businesses can increase their recognition, traffic and sales with little cost.

Marketers have claimed that social media generated immense exposure for their business, there are other benefits of social media marketing as well.

Here are 12 benefits of social media marketing and how they can help your business progress.

Increased Inbound Traffic.

If you don’t market your business on social media your inbound traffic is limited to your usual customers, which although is repeat, good business it doesn’t help your business to grow and gain more custom.

Utilising social media in your marketing strategy will help you reach anyone outside of your repeat customer circle, which is a good thing for business.

Each social media platform you add to the marketing mix gives visitors a gateway to your website, and each piece of content is a new opportunity to gain new customers.

Social media has a variety of different people with different backgrounds and behaviours, but with these different people it will require you to think outside of the box to gain their interest, as not everyone likes the same things.

Effectively, by using social media you open your business to a wider variety of customers, potentially from all over the world.

Targeted Advertising.

Social media platforms have a lot of information about users. And this gives you the advantage of targeting certain content to specific audiences.

For example, users list their interest and hobbies on Facebook which allows you to specifically target a piece of content to their interest and hobbies to gain their interest.

With all this information, it gives you the opportunity to tailor your message to specific user’s needs.

Increased Brand Recognition.

Your social media platforms are ways that you can build your brand. And this is important because it makes the business easier and more accessible for new customers.

It also helps you become more familiar and recognisable for existing and new customers, this is because frequent posts on social media platforms help users to hear about your business and frequent updates will keep you in their minds because they are always seeing information about you.

A team of skilled professionals can help you create a recognizable image and a compelling story that will make your business stand out from the competition. Reach out to agencies offering professional search solutions to find the right personnel for this essential sector of your company. Once you put a team together, you can come up with a comprehensive social media marketing strategy that will bring your brand closer to your target audience and make it more attractive for potential customers.

Furthermore, new customers may be more entitled to visit your website or find out more about your business after seeing your brand presence on social media platforms.

Improved Brand Loyalty.

Brands that engage on social media platforms have a higher chance of loyalty from their customers.

The reason for this is because it’s a way of connecting to your audience on a more personal level, which shows a human side to your audience. So, they are more likely to stick to your brand then go elsewhere because they know what they are getting from you.

Better Customer Satisfaction.

Social media provides a way of networking and communicating with others. Creating a voice with your company through these platforms is important as it humanises your brand and allows customers to get involved.

Customers will appreciate this, as getting involved is important to them, it allows them to post comments, share content and get involved with your business.

Customer interaction on your social media platforms is also good for demonstrating your compassion for customers and how you take their comments into consideration.

Recruiting New Employees.

Social media platforms allow you to post content based on recruitment, if your business is recruiting it gives you the perfect opportunity to post content based on recruitment for the business.

This is called, social recruiting, its where you use social media platforms to also recruit candidates for your business, and you shouldn’t hesitate to use it in your hiring process as it attracts more candidates.

Easy Way to Distribute Content.

Deciding on your content and then moving on afterwards is not a strategy, you need to come up with a plan, what content is going where, what graphics are going where, etc. And this is where social media platforms come in.

You can tailor your content and graphics to suit the audience you are targeting on each platform. Social media platforms attract different types of audiences, and Gen Z, in particular, favors content like reels, memes, and short videos that often feature their Gen Z slang words. This is because each platform caters to different preferences and demographics.

So be sure to distribute your content effectively depending on the platform you are using, as you will get the most out of your social media marketing strategy.

Higher Conversion Rate.

With increased visibility from your social media presence, your business will gain more opportunities for conversion.

Social media marketing allows your business to give a positive impression to users, through humanisation, users are then impressed by your brand and want to learn more, which leads to a higher conversion rate.

By putting your brand in an atmosphere where people are liking, commenting, sharing and talking will only improve the conversion rates on your existing traffic.

Cost Effective.

It is probably the most cost-effective part of a marketing strategy. Signing up and creating a profile is free for almost all social media platforms. And most of the paid promotions you may decide to invest in a relatively low cost compared to other marketing tools.

Being cost effective is such an advantage because you can see a greater return on investment and you can also retain that money to put on other marketing expenses in your marketing strategy.

If you decide to use the paid promotions, then start small so you can judge what to expect easier, then as you become more comfortable you can adjust your strategy and increase the budge for them.

Gain Insights.

One of the most valuable benefits of social media marketing is that the platforms have insights.

These insights allow you to see the interaction that users are having with the content you post on your profile. Which is a huge advantage in allowing you to adjust and make improvements to your content to suit what your visitors want the most.

Using it as a complimentary research tool can help gain information that you may not have already known about your audience to aid you in understanding what you audience wants to see regarding what your business offers in the industry.

Humanise Your Brand.

Social media has helped break that stigma of faceless businesses that are only after customer’s money.

Consumers care about who they are buying from as well as what they are buying. The use of social media for businesses is a way of humanising your brand and showcasing the personality of your business.

It helps to build a brand voice, and that’s something all businesses should consider developing. It should be consistent across all your platforms and should fit the perception you want to give your brand.

Faster Communication.

Sometimes, the speed of certain social media platforms can work against you, such as; Twitter it moves so quickly your content may get overlooked, but it can work to your advantage in other communicative ways.

If customers have a question about your services based on something they see on your social media, the platforms have the ability for users to chat back on forth through them, which is very convenient for users.

Sometimes, other ways of communication can get lost if the business is busy such as emails, phone backs, etc. Social media provides another means of communication that gives the business quick notifications of a customer getting in touch.


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