Looking for the best SEO consultant in the UK?​

Then you’re in the right place. When looking for a national or local business customers want information straight away and the place they get it is the internet.   

That means you need to make sure that your business is one of the first names they see when they search for a relevant keyword.  Ideally, you want it to be the very first name they see.

There are two ways you can make this happen.  One way is to buy adverts and the other way is to undertake effective SEO.  

There are valid uses for pay-per-click (PPC) adverts, but they can work out very expensive.  What’s more, you always have the risk of the price going up even further if competition increases.

The second way is to work on your SEO.  Get your SEO set up correctly and your website will be placed at the top of the organic results.   

This gets it the same level of visibility as PPC adverts, plus more credibility (because you’ve earned your place).  It also spares you the worry of PPC costs going up.

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UK Based SEO Consultant

Organic search engine optimisation is challenging.  You have to think about both on-page SEO strategy and off-page link-building strategy.  

You might also have to optimise for local SEO which has its own set of ranking factors. Many small businesses struggle to manage search engine optimisation on their own.  That’s where we come in.  Our team is filled with some of the best SEO consultants in the United Kingdom.  Don’t just take our word for it.  Look at our reviews on Clutch and Google.

Experienced SEO consultancy services

You might have thought about trying to hire your own in-house search engine marketing team.  If you have, then you’ll have discovered the challenges this brings.  First of all, you have to work out what you want.  Then you have to find the budget to hire the right SEO specialist.  Then you have to recruit and retain the right person or people to stay at the top of the search engines.

Some businesses might benefit from having their own SEO consultant, but for most, it’s usually better to use third-party SEO agencies.  If you’re in the UK, then it’s very much advisable to use a UK-based SEO specialist.  This is because you need to create content that works both for Google and for human customers based in the UK.

Investing in proper SEO consulting from a reputable SEO agency is generally the best way for small businesses to get the results they need at a price they can afford.  It also tends to save a lot of time, hassle and frustration.


Send us a message, an SEO specialist will get right back to you

Busy right now? Send us a message, tell us a little bit about your business and goals. 

We will have a good look through your website and an experienced SEO consultant will call you back shortly and make suggestions on what you can do right now to improve your web presence, get more website traffic and ultimately increase your revenue using search engine optimisation.

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    What’s involved in getting your website higher on search engines?

    At a basic level, an SEO consultant will look at where you are now, work out where you need to be and then work out how to get you there.  If you are in the fortunate position of already being where you need to be, then it’s still worth checking in with a UK SEO Consultant from time to time.  This will make sure that your SEO practices stay up-to-date and effective.

    What’s involved in an SEO campaign

    • Comprehensive SEO strategy
    • Full SEO campaign set up
    • SEO copywriting
    • Search engine marketing strategy
    • GMB optimisation / Local optimisation
    • Off page SEO
    • On-page SEO
    • Keyword research
    • Competition research
    • Blog posting
    • Improving current rankings for search engines
    • Writing high quality optimised content
    • Guest posting
    • Linking building
    • Looking at over 50 search engine ranking factors
    • Local directory citations
    • Sitemap fixes
    • Page speed optimisation
    • Alt tagging all images
    • Website structure fixes

    In general, an SEO consultant in the UK will start by analysing your current website.  They will identify any technical errors and advise you on how to correct them.  They will also look for non-technical areas where your website could benefit from improvement.  For example, you might have a lot of dated content which could do with a refresh.

    Once any existing issues have been fixed, an SEO expert will then map out a content strategy, a link-building strategy and, potentially, a local SEO strategy.  You can then agree on the most cost-effective way to progress this.

    You may well find that you can give your website a meaningful boost just by improving your existing content.  For example, you might need to reformat existing content to meet the current formatting guidelines.  If you do need totally new content, then a professional SEO consultant should be able to arrange for this to be done (if you wish).

    Link-building and local SEO are generally more off-page strategies.  Link-building is essentially about creating a network of backlinks that are a good fit for your specific company.  Local SEO is similar to regular SEO, but it has its own specific set of ranking criteria.

    Some of our awards for web design, PPC and SEO

    Multiple award winning agency

    Questions to ask an SEO consultant

    Looking at reviews from Clutch and Google is a good place to start your search for an expert SEO consultant.  Before you make your final choice, however, be sure to ask these key questions.  Any competent SEO consultant should be able to give you clear, jargon-free answers to them.

    • Why should we hire you over another SEO consultant?
    • How much does your SEO consultant cost?
    • Why should we choose you over a freelance SEO consultant
    • How do we know you have fixed all the technical SEO
    • How is this going to work with my other digital marketing services
    • How long have your SEO consultants worked in the industry
    • Can I see some case studies and previous results that your SEO agency have done?
    • How do you stay up to date with the latest trends on the search engines?
    • How do you measure the success of your SEO services?
    • How will you make sure you do not damage my existing search engine rankings?
    • How will your search engine optimisation services improve my rankings?
    • What major search engines will you be targeting?
    • What tools will you use to improve my SEO?
    • How will you build links?
    • Will you be sending me reports?
    • Who specifically will be working on my campaign?
    • How will I contact you if we have any issues?

    Client testimonials

    Our SEO consultancy services

    SEO consultation

    In the SEO consultant service, we will get to know you, your business and current marketing efforts a lot better, we will have a deep look at your website and we will suggest changes to make, we cut out the jargon and get straight to the real issues that are holding your website back.

    SEO audit

    Your website might look great but is not ranking for any of the relevant keywords, by running an SEO audit we can take a look at a full list of issues that could be stopping the website from ranking.


    SEO campaigns are not just about rankings, we want your visitors to turn into paying customers, using conversion rate optimisation we can look through every page and make changes to make them convert better. We don't just want traffic, we want calls, email form fill outs, bookings or direct sales.

    SEO training

    Part of what our SEO consultants do is to work with your business. So if you already have an in-house team of SEO specialists then that's great, we also offer a direct SEO consultancy service with your team. We will analyse every aspect of your current SEO and make suggestions to your team to make improvements.

    Link building

    Link building and digital PR is still such a huge part of any SEO campaign. Our team know where the best places for your business to acquire links. Bad link practices is where many websites fail on Google. We have a specialist team that take care of the entire process. Having a solid link strategy is key to your digital growth and will get you better rankings and more sales.

    Content strategies

    If you currently have a small website and are trying to increase your online visibility, you will not be able to do this with SEO, your website is too small. You will need multiple pages to rank for different keywords and locations. In your SEO consultancy service we take a deep look at your current website structure and competitor analysis, we then suggest every page you will need to deliver results.

    Local SEO

    We also offer SEO consultancy services for local businesses, if you want to get leads coming from your website every day from local search engine results then we can help. Our local SEO services include optimising your website to show up for multiple keywords in your surrounding locations, submissions to directories, link building and Google My Business optimisation. We have seen local businesses generate hundreds of monthly leads using SEO and not spending a penny on ads.

    Technical SEO

    Every SEO company should not ignore the importance of technical SEO. This would include URL structure, structured data, duplicate content issues, Google penalties, 404 pages, sitemaps and much more. We have a comprehensive list of technical issues your website could be facing, this way we can quickly go through this and see if they are affecting your website traffic.

    For most of these questions, you should be listening out for signs that the SEO consultant has done their homework on your company.  Ideally, they should have case studies and previous results in the same or a similar area.  At a minimum, they should be able to demonstrate, clearly, how their past experience can translate into a business benefit for you.

    Steer well clear of any cheap SEO consultant who seems to be “blinding you with science”.  At best this is a sign of poor communications skills.  At worst, it’s a sign that the prospective SEO consultant is trying to cover up a lack of knowledge.

    In our experience we have found using a great SEO agency is better than using freelance SEO consultancy services, only because each part of the SEO process takes a different skill set.

    This is precisely why we have a different department for on-page SEO and off-page SEO, they do completely different jobs but work closely together, we have found if you give all of this work to one member of staff they will get overworked and your SEO campaign will not reach its full potential on the search engines.

    Why choose our SEO consultant services?

    If you have been searching the internet for SEO companies and they can’t help your business online, then give us a call, we know we will be able to help your business no matter what position you are currently ranking on the search engines. Check out some of our previous client results.

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    search engine optimisation
    seo traffic increase
    Our Experts

    Your search engine optimisation team



    Operations Manager



    SEO Strategist



    Graphic Designer

    Contact our SEO consultant

    Even with the best UK SEO consultant on your side, getting organic SEO results takes time.  The sooner you get started, the sooner you get the results which will help to secure the future of your business.  Our expert SEO consultants are available to give you a FREE website audit and SEO consultation.  Contact us today to book in.


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