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We optimise your website to rank higher, increase traffic, and gain more leads

SEO stands for search engine optimisation and essentially covers a series of tasks that ensure your website ranks higher in search engine result pages (SERPs). This is vital for driving traffic and growing your business. With our help, you can ensure that your SEO keeps your website at the top of the search engines.

Discover how to grow organic traffic

The web pages you will need on your site

Building a content strategy and landing pages will increase traffic, enquiries and your website will show higher in Google search results.

Becoming a “thought leader” through content

Building blog posts establish your website as an authority in your industry. It's a content model that can generate tens of thousands of organic visitors a month.

Getting featured links on construction websites

We will show you a simple strategy to consistently acquire high authority links that help push your website up through the search engines.

Some of our awards for web design, PPC and SEO

An award winning agency

London 24-162
Best SEO for construction industry
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top rated construction marketing agency
top marketing agency for construction companies
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Anyone can make you promises: we can give you proof

contractor seo results
Contractor SEO agency
call traffic
Contractor SEO traffic
seo contractor services

An award-winning SEO agency

If you are looking for top-of-the-line SEO marketing services for your construction or home improvement business, look no further.

If you work with us for your SEO campaigns, you will get results that give you a high ROI. We are dedicated, professional, friendly and have won multiple awards for our campaigns.

If you are keen to find out more, contact us for a free strategy call.

One of our SEO experts will take you through everything you need to know, asking questions along the way, and help you develop and plan a strategy for your next steps ahead.

With our help, you can rank higher on Google, generate more leads and grow your business.

94 Google reviews


Our clients feedback

I spent a long time researching for different companies to build me a website. As soon as I spoke to One Base Media I knew they were the company for me. Right from the start they listened, offered professional advice and responded rapidly to any requests or changes I wanted. Grace was a pleasure to work with professional, friendly and nothing was ever a problem. Now looking forward to healthy business relationship with One Base. Would highly recommended! TBFC Brickwork
Incredible, professional service. Advised us all the way and created a website better than could have ever imagined. One Base staff are second to none, they are always available and responsive. Very intellectual and informative. If there was something that we didn't understand or needed further assistance, they were always there to help us. 5 star quality no other company could match up!!! Highly recommended Garden Rooms 365
Been with this great team of creative and honest people for 5yrs now I would not leave them even if another company offered to do my campaign for free you get what you ask and pay for with a high degree of professionalism. ALK Plumbing & Heating
"Excellent service the team are incredibly helpful highly recommend." TJC Transport
"The team at One Base Media have created a number of great websites for us, and are always there to help me with any technical stuff. I would highly recommend to everyone" EDC Plumbing

How we do what we do

On-page SEO

The on-page elements of SEO include the technical setup, writing title tags, implementing keywords, alt tagging images, and user-friendly site experience. This is all vital to boosting your rankings.

Fixing website errors

We fix both the fundamental errors as well as the less obvious issues that are harder to detect, thus ensuring the stability of your website.

Content marketing

A big part of any digital marketing strategy is content marketing. Content marketing is hugely effective in reaching your target audience and generating leads.
Once we have carried out keyword research, we can build an effective contractor SEO strategy to boost your traffic by distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract a clearly defined audience.

Link building

Your website needs links to rank higher. Web pages are boosted or demoted based on the quality and quantity of backlinks. By entrusting us with your link building, your web pages are going to steadily rise through the ranks, thus improving the visibility of your website as a whole.

Conversion rate optimisation

It’s not enough to merely get more traffic flowing to your website. You also need to make a point of trying to convert that action into other actions - such as contacting you by email or even making a sale on the spot. With our help, you can finally maximise your conversions online, making the website a much more powerful marketing tool for your business.

Local SEO

Local SEO for contractors, plumbers, electricians and other building businesses remains a powerful marketing strategy. It would be best to incorporate local SEO no matter how big a company gets. The importance of local SEO comes down to focusing your web pages on local areas. We can maximise and perfect your local SEO to impact your business in different locations.

What Is SEO?

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is a series of tasks designed to increase the visibility of your website on the internet.

The general goal is to improve the standing of a website – or a webpage, or group of pages – on the SERPs to rank higher.

The ultimate goal is to reach the top position in user search rankings – to be the first result that people see when they search for related keywords.

If your business is at the top of the search engine results, you will get more conversions and sales.

We are passionate about helping home improvement and building contractors increase sales.

We have boosted websites to the top of the search engine results for very competitive keywords within their industry.

Your leading SEO agency

So, how can you be sure that you can trust us with your SEO?

We are truly a leading SEO agency with many years of experience and a dedicated team that knows everything about SEO in construction.

We have over 70+ positive reviews on Google from clients in the Essex area and beyond, and we always deliver the results we promise.

  • Google Analytics experts
  • Google Search Console data experts 
  • On-page SEO
  • Link building 
  • Technical SEO 
  • SEO audits 
  • Site speed
  • Keyword research 
  • Content optimisation 
  • Copywriting strategy and publishing 

Our team is highly skilled at achieving great SEO results, and we are friendly and approachable. 

leads for tradesmen

Pay monthly contractor SEO services

We have a range of flexible SEO pricing plans. We offer a monthly retainer for all our SEO services to clients, allowing us to get you the best possible results. Plus, everything we do is shown on live reports for you to see: This includes keyword improvements, links we are building for you, and all custom-requested metrics.

That way, you always know what is happening with your web presence and how we put your money to work.


What’s involved in our SEO campaigns?

Local, National & E-Commerce SEO

Local & national SEO

The two types of SEO we specialise in are local and national SEO. Local SEO is where you aim to get your business website discovered through local keywords – such as ‘building contractor London’ – so that people in your local area find you first. With national SEO, you use national keywords and phrases to be discovered on a broader geographic scale. This is particularly effective on blog posts.

SEO Audits

SEO audits

Regular audits can be a powerful way of seeing what needs improving and shows how your website performs. Our SEO audits are some of the most complete and comprehensive of any SEO agency. Our website audits include information on link quality, website errors, current keyword rankings, page speed, metadata, site structure, and more. This information is vital to identifying areas that need fixing.



If you run a plumbing, building, construction or contracting company, SEO is a great way to generate a steady flow of leads to your business. This stage involves a general performance review, keyword research, a competitor analysis, and a look at your industry landscape to ensure that we can identify what areas are in need of improvement. We discuss relevant questions during our kick-off meeting and draw up a roadmap for our future collaboration. At this stage, we will then launch a custom contractor SEO strategy.



Now, it’s time to start with the actual improvements, including making a few important technical adjustments depending on your specific situation and looking at any gaps in the keywords that you are using. We will also implement powerful new content on your website and create new pages when and where necessary.



This is where the hard work starts – with a mixture of technical SEO audits, a website quality audit, and further in-depth keyword research, we start to identify how your SEO can improve and develop content to achieve your goals.



In this final stage, we look at the types of links you need placements on and start to make this happen. We focus on stronger link outreach, using only relevant sites, and deploy manual content promotions along with a range of powerful influencer campaigns.

We offer three different monthly SEO packages to choose from.

Which package we recommend will always depend on what you are hoping to achieve and how fast you want to see results for your business.

Contact us for a FREE strategy call to find out more.

Although we are based in Essex and keen to work with Essex companies, we offer our services to all home improvement businesses throughout the UK.

We are located in the Essex town of Southend-on-Sea. Feel free to stop by for a chat!

Everything we do is about getting you more sales. When we improve your SEO, you get more traffic – and we also work on improving your conversion rate, so more of those clicks turn into sales.

Everything we do is about getting you more sales. When we improve your SEO, you get more traffic – and we also work on improving your conversion rate, so more of those clicks turn into sales.

SEO is an essential part of keeping your website at the top of the search engines. This will help you grow your business.


Tools we use

Ready to grow your business?

We’ve helped hundreds of tradespeople websites and contractors get over ten times more calls through their website. We can help you do the same.